We are dealing with fire safety issues and the safe removal of poisinous combustion gasses so it’s worth choosing your chimney sweep carefully. Rather unbelievably there is no requirement for chimney sweeps in the UK to have undertaken any training whatsoever or for them to be registered with any organisation. You should choose someone who is a member of The Guild of Master Chimney Sweeps or the National Association of Chimney Sweeps. Members of these organisations have received training not only to sweep chimneys effectively but also regarding the building regulations for fires, stoves and chimneys and should be able to give good advice. They work to a code of practice and have their insurance checked each year.  You expect that anyone working on your gas or oil appliance is trained and registered. Chimney sweeping is just as important.

In addition to the services listed below, your fire / stove and it’s chimney system will be checked for compliance with the building regulations. We will notify you of any problems and issue you with a certificate. We can advise you of any remedial work. The building and installation of flues and chimneys and the installation of fires, woodburners etc. is “Notifiable Work”. Local building control must be informed of any notifiable work at your property. If your installation was undertaken by someone on a Competent Persons Register e.g. HETAS or OFTEC then they should have completed the relevant paperwork at the time of commissioning. If you have fitted it yourself or had a non-registered person fit it, then the installation has never been signed off. It doesn’t matter if there was a fire there before. If it has never been commissioned and there are non-compliance issues there could be problems in the event of any insurance claim. There could also be issues when selling the property if there is no commissioning paperwork. If you are buying a property with a fire / stove you could ask for evidence of commissioning. If you have moved in to a property with a solid fuelled appliance already installed, it is worth checking with your local building control if it is recorded with them. If it’s not then it has never be commissioned and there could be some non-compliance issues. Please don’t assume that all is well just because everything seems ok and you’ve never had a problem. Around 30% of my new customers have non- compliance issues and these can be potentially dangerous situations.

Landlords – We can keep you up to date with any new regulatory issues concerning the fire / stove etc. and its associated chimney.


  • Sweeping of all Multi Fuel Stoves, Open Fires, Agas, Log Burners.
  • Bird nest removal.
  • Useful advice on appliance and fuel use. Following this advice could easily save you the cost of sweeping your chimney every year.
  • Flue Draft Testing. This tests the draw or pull on a chimney to ensure there is enough to make it work properly but not so much as to overfire the appliance.
  • Chimney, Cowl and guard fitting serice, along with CCTV inspections.
  • Qualified advice on all chimney related issues / problems
  • Impartial advice on choosing stoves, appliances, installers etc.
  • Lucky Chimney Sweep appearance at Weddings.
  • Full certificate will be issued.
  • Referral advice – if we can’t help, we most certainly know someone who can.